Saturday, January 19, 2013

Woven & Half Hitched Lighter Case

So I've made one of these before and decided to give it another go with smaller cord. I like the end product much better with the 3/32(2.4mm) cord. I did as before and patched in a different color for the half hitching for some contrast. I used a fid and lacing needle I made to assist with the weaving as it gets tough towards the end space wise.


Start out with a rubber band, a marker and a twelve
foot section of 3/32(2.4mm)cord. Rubber band the marker and string

Under 3 over 3 to top
to the lighter as shown.

Make the turn back towards the bottom continuing
forward under over, top to bottom around the lighter.




When you reach the beginning again a fid will help open up a hole
 in the weave to fit the lacing needle through easier.
 This last vertical will not match the others don't worry it's just how it hashes out.

 At the bottom go over two and under one to lock the last
 weave in and begin to hitch the bottom closed.

Moving to the right in between the weave go over the bottom cord and
 behind creating a loop known as a hitch as shown.

Continue the hitch that will spiral towards the center

Use a overhand knot as a stopper snip the excess cord and
tuck the knot into the hitching to finish. Shown below
 is the alternate finish.

Pass behind the hitching and out the other side as shown

Before locking in last vertical weave snip the
 end leaving some excess.
More than I did is advisable as this was too short and a bit of a pain to work with.

Using a standard thread and needle sew the
 two different cords together.

Hitch the bottom closed as before and pass
behind and overhand to finish.

Please excuse the terrible layout, Blogger and i aren't exactly friends just yet. Hahaha, overtime I'm sure I'll get a better feel for it. Hope you enjoy the project. Thanks for looking.






  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Stormdrane! That means a lot coming from you, I really enjoy all of your work. Have a good day!
