Thursday, January 24, 2013

Watch Guard Lanyard

I received my Ashley Book of Knots(ABOK) the other day and have begun tying from it. Today due to having a bum ankle from rolling it in the snow I decided to try out the Watch Guard(ABOK#3753). The lanyard consists of two knots, The Chinese Butterfly(ABOK#2460) and the Foot Rope knot(ABOK#792). One of the leads from the Foot Rope gets double back through the knot creating a loop. Ashley recommends printing a diagram to pin to, I just traced the diagram visually as I went along on a flat surface. A five foot length of green paracord starting the Chinese Butterfly about 3" from one end of the length. After working out the slack you'll end up with enough to make the lanyard. I'll be making this again to get a more dressed appearance. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for looking.

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