Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Rattle Snake Knots & Pupa Pull Ties

Been playing around with different ideas for knife lanyards. Decided to go through and learn some unique knots from J.D. Lenzens Tyingitalltogether channel. These were two of my favorites that I never got around to learning. So many knots out there it's hard to pick a line and follow ot for me. These are two I'd definitely reccomend learning because there fun & simple ties that produce a great finished product. Thanks for looking as always and I hope you enjoy the work you find here. Go tie something!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Triple Wide Zipper Sinnet and a knife lanyard

A newer tie shown on the Tyingitalltogether YouTube channel is the Triple Wide Zipper Sinnet. I absolutely loved the look and set out to make one. The first time trying it things turned out a bit sloppy. I was going to finish it anyway but the knot knut in me wouldn't allow it. I untied it and had another look at the video. I realized I had the two different length cords in the wrong place. I corrected that and tried again going a bit slower making sure the cords laid exactly how I wanted. I think the second time through came out wonderul:) The knife lanyard was made from the gutted scraps of the bracelet. I used the Round Crown Sinnet technique started with a loop and finished with a four strand crown. Hope you enjoy my work:) Thanks for looking as always. Go tie something:)

Backbone Bar Bracelet

Tyingitalltogether on YouTube posted a fob version of this some time ago. I had always wanted to convert it to a bracelet and stumbled back upon the video and went to making it happen. I used a common configuration to make the clasp and repeated the tying technique shown in the video. Hope you enjoy my work. Thanks for looking as always. Go tie something:)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dragons Claw Bracelet

This is a stunning pattern I found on Instagram and have been making recently. I have been slacking on posting here but I have been busy tying and will be updating here over the next few days. As always I hope you enjoy my work and thanks for stopping to have a look:)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Star Knots

I've been practicing them lately. Realizing I've been neglecting my feed here I decided to post all the ones I've made in one post. I find them to be very fun to tie as I just love knots that work together to make bigger knots hahaha. There's just an aesthetic to these I can't get over I adore them. Plenty of resources on the subject if your intersted in trying it out yourself. YouTube tends to be the best place to start when wanting to learn a new knot I find. Being able to pause and go back makes things very convenient. I hope you enjoy them and they inspire you to tie something! Have a great day thanks for looking and go tie something!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Two Tone Spool Knit Lanyard

A microcord lanyard I put together for my aunt who is trying to quit smoking. I found ecig lanyard rings online and started to making it when they arrived. This is a 3 peg knit in black and tan. I linked the two ends together with a four strand braid finished by a crown knot. I then made a two strand triple pass slip knot. The loop was used to Larks head the lanyard to the ring. Hope you enjoy and as always GO TIE SOMETHING! :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tripled 16L3B Turks

A couple more I've done up recently. Really getting the tie down now I feel. Less and less straightening to do after the fact which saves a lot of hassling around. Hope you enjoy the knots and have a good day! Go tie something!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Watch Guard #3

Another watch guard just love the way they look! Practice makes perfect as they say. I don't think it'll be long before I can tie them from memory as well as in hand like I currently am. Thanks so much for looking have a great day! Go tie something!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Finger Loop Spool Knit Lanyard on Ottlite LED MiniFlip

Love this little OttLite! Very bright array of LEDs, works perfect as our tent light. I picked this up off Listia for a mere twelve hundred credits. Equals out to about $1.20 so I feel like I scored big on it. They are available on Amazon for about $15 and some change. Well worth it, I plan on buying one shortly. Thanks for looking! Have a great day and knot it up!

Ára Bátur Bar Bracelet

Another one of J.D.'s amazing designs. Love to tie them all! Thanks for looking

Thursday, June 6, 2013

24L3B Turks Head in MicroCord(1.18mm)

Just love Turks so much I decided to 2 tone one on a dabber :) This is a Turk I learned as a 16L3B from a StormDrane video on YouTube.  Hope you enjoy:) As always thanks for looking.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Two Tone Spool Knit Neck Lanyard

A good friends girlfriend is graduating college soon. Her new career will require I.D. cards. I decided to make her this as a graduation present. It's a 34" Spool Knit made in maroon and tan MicroCord (1.18mm). I doubled it over to form a loop and wove one end through the other and started a 4 strand crown and topped it with a lanyard knot. Another 4 strand lanyard not was then ran back through with two cords to form a loop. A simple gate clip was the attached using the loop made to make a Larks Head to secure it. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for looking as always.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two Tone Turk and Single Strand Lanyard

I'd gotten my girlfriend a Ultra Fire flashlight for her purse some time ago. The problem being every time we need it in any hurry its lost in the "abyss" as I like to call it hahahah. In response to this problem I decided to fashion a lanyard for it that could be clipped to a shoulder strap ring. The result is 4 bight Turks head in orange and pink and a single strand lanyard. The lanyard is comprised of two #583 knots from the ABOK and a One Cord Knot #586 in the ABOK. I also added to sliding crowns in pink to tie it all together. Thanks for looking as always and I hope you enjoy my work. Oh one last thing, I'd like to thank my lone follower Elaine :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Duracell Daylite Turk'd & Guacho'd

I have had this tied up since way back when I started following StormDrane. I found his YouTube video on how to tie gaucho's very informative and easy to follow. This as I said is a Duracell Daylite, it's a 80 lumen flashlight that is VERY bright for its size and price point, I think I paid 28 bucks at Wally World. I would have shown you but after 4 years my end cap has failed and I am currently waiting on the mail for the replacement. I tied a 4B16L Turks over the majority of it. If you've tried these and failed don't give up. This particular Turk was tied and untied at least 5 times before it looked as uniform as I wanted. The Gaucho Knot came a little easier to me after all the time spent learning the Turk, I decided to put two on in opposite directions to fill the space left . Like I said if you'd like to learn before you buy the Ashley Book, you most likely will. Once knotting sets it hook in ya like it did me, go check out StormDrane's blog and YouTube channel. Also give J.D. of TIAT on YouTube a gander, he is a master of the rope craft and someone we can all aspire to. As always thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gerber Shard Knife Lanyard

I picked up a Gerber Shard with a recent Amazon order. I think it was five dollars, which for four compact tools isn't half bad. I like the one StormDrane gaucho'd, but wanted to have a bit more MicroCord on it. I ended up getting about five feet packed on it, lashing one direction then the other. I attached it to my Ka-Bar Dozier with a FootRope Knot looped backed on itself and worked through the knot. This actually worked out well as you can hold the two with the shard on top and get a bit more leverage. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for looking as always.

Monday, March 18, 2013

3 Peg Spool Knit Wrist Lanyard in MicroCord

This is probably the third or fourth 3 peg spool knit I've tried. Initially I was using craft twine and kept ending up with loose bights. I tried in MicroCord this time and asked the gracious StormDrane what his trick was to uniformity because this plagued my other attempts. He explained to me that he tightened the bights every three pegs. Where a I was doing tightening every peg which was causing different tension on different bights. His advice definitely solved my problem and I am thrilled with how this has turned out. I finished this lanyard with three True Lover's Knots(ABOK#2421) and attached it to the lobster snap with opposite direction hitches. Go to StormDrane's blog see see more of his great work. Hope you enjoy my work and thanks for looking as always :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

7 Strand Crown Knot USB Fob

In my last rope order I got some MicroCord(1.18mm) to play with. I decided to start experimenting with higher lead crown knots. The result even with seven strands was quite small but great looking in my opinion. Hope you enjoy and thanks for looking as always :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

3 Color ParaCord Cross (Bladder Cancer Awareness)

After seeing a my mothers keychain at the corner store a woman working there asked her if I could make a purple, gold and blue cross for her. I found this out last night and went to trying to make one. Started out like the ParaCord Cross from J.D. Of TIAT demonstrated on his YouTube channel and added a third cord. Then began creating two hexagonal sinnets as the left and right arm as he showed and followed his instruction afterward including the third color. Hope you enjoy thanks for looking as always.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My Second Watch Guard Lanyard

I had my other lanyard hanging on my wall and it was seen by my girlfriends sister who had to have one :) So I tied her this one in red as she wanted. The Chinese Butterfly knot came out much more as expected and as depicted in the ABOK(#2460). The Footrope knot worked back to create a loop is coming out cleaner the more I tie them, I believe I will start learning how to turn it to a 2 PLY Footrope knot. Hope you enjoy as always, thanks for looking:)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Watch Guard Lanyard

I received my Ashley Book of Knots(ABOK) the other day and have begun tying from it. Today due to having a bum ankle from rolling it in the snow I decided to try out the Watch Guard(ABOK#3753). The lanyard consists of two knots, The Chinese Butterfly(ABOK#2460) and the Foot Rope knot(ABOK#792). One of the leads from the Foot Rope gets double back through the knot creating a loop. Ashley recommends printing a diagram to pin to, I just traced the diagram visually as I went along on a flat surface. A five foot length of green paracord starting the Chinese Butterfly about 3" from one end of the length. After working out the slack you'll end up with enough to make the lanyard. I'll be making this again to get a more dressed appearance. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for looking.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

3 PLY Turks Head Awl

I have been making these for awhile on different objects in different leads and bights. After finding some instructions from Stormdrane, I've pretty much been hooked. Not really sure if I'm even labeling this one right as I haven't seen it done anywhere and be labeled. I started out by making a Turks Head/Woggle (ABOK#1303-05)on my finger and adding a third pass. I worked some slack into it to fit over my awl and then removed the slack or dressed the knot to my liking. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for looking as always.