Monday, February 3, 2014

Pretzeled Endless Falls

This is a design in the Endless Falls family that J.D. posted a picture of on his Facebook. My instagram friend knottymabel had figured it out and post a picture. I followed suit and figured it out myself:) If your familiar with the Endless Falls family, you too should have little problem figuring this one out. Just study the picture had it should come to you. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for looking as always! Go tie something! :)

Paracord Rock Sling

Another tie I learned from Paracord Fusion Ties V2. This was fun to tie and actually much less complicated than I originally thought it be. The pouch turned out smaller then described but I find I have an issue with over tieing/ over tightening a lot of the work I do as compared to examples / directions given. I can't wait for the snow to give up so I can go out and see what I can manage with this one. Thanks for looking! Go tie something! :)

Chainmailed Endless Falls

My sister was kind enough to purchase both of J.D.'s current books on #paracord for Christmas. Since then I've been working my way through them tying what I haven't already learned from his YouTube channel, Tyingitalltogether. This is definitely a great looking design in my opinion when it comes to the Endless Falls family. If you haven't already you should really give this one a shot. As always thanks for looking and got tie something!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Rattle Snake Knots & Pupa Pull Ties

Been playing around with different ideas for knife lanyards. Decided to go through and learn some unique knots from J.D. Lenzens Tyingitalltogether channel. These were two of my favorites that I never got around to learning. So many knots out there it's hard to pick a line and follow ot for me. These are two I'd definitely reccomend learning because there fun & simple ties that produce a great finished product. Thanks for looking as always and I hope you enjoy the work you find here. Go tie something!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Triple Wide Zipper Sinnet and a knife lanyard

A newer tie shown on the Tyingitalltogether YouTube channel is the Triple Wide Zipper Sinnet. I absolutely loved the look and set out to make one. The first time trying it things turned out a bit sloppy. I was going to finish it anyway but the knot knut in me wouldn't allow it. I untied it and had another look at the video. I realized I had the two different length cords in the wrong place. I corrected that and tried again going a bit slower making sure the cords laid exactly how I wanted. I think the second time through came out wonderul:) The knife lanyard was made from the gutted scraps of the bracelet. I used the Round Crown Sinnet technique started with a loop and finished with a four strand crown. Hope you enjoy my work:) Thanks for looking as always. Go tie something:)

Backbone Bar Bracelet

Tyingitalltogether on YouTube posted a fob version of this some time ago. I had always wanted to convert it to a bracelet and stumbled back upon the video and went to making it happen. I used a common configuration to make the clasp and repeated the tying technique shown in the video. Hope you enjoy my work. Thanks for looking as always. Go tie something:)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dragons Claw Bracelet

This is a stunning pattern I found on Instagram and have been making recently. I have been slacking on posting here but I have been busy tying and will be updating here over the next few days. As always I hope you enjoy my work and thanks for stopping to have a look:)